
A Low Rank Tensor Representation of Linear Transport and Nonlinear Vlasov Solutions and Their Associated Flow Maps.

Journal of computational physics(2022)

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We propose a low-rank tensor approach to approximate linear transport and nonlinear Vlasov solutions and their associated flow maps. The approach takes advantage of the fact that the differential operators in the Vlasov equation is tensor friendly, based on which we propose a novel way to dynamically and adaptively build up low-rank solution basis by adding new basis functions from discretization of the PDE, and removing basis from an SVD-type truncation procedure. For the discretization, we adopt a high order finite difference spatial discretization and a second order strong stability preserving multi-step time discretization. We apply the same procedure to evolve the dynamics of the flow map in a low-rank fashion, which proves to be advantageous when the flow map enjoys the low rank structure, while the solution suffers from high rank or displays filamentation structures. Hierarchical Tucker decomposition is adopted for high dimensional problems. An extensive set of linear and nonlinear Vlasov test examples are performed to show the high order spatial and temporal convergence of the algorithm with mesh refinement up to SVD-type truncation, the significant computational savings of the proposed low-rank approach especially for high dimensional problems, the improved performance of the flow map approach for solutions with filamentations.
Low rank,Hierarchical Tuck decomposition of tensors,Vlasov dynamics,Flow map
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