Potentially Traumatic Events and Health Among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Heterosexual Vietnam Veterans: Results from the Vietnam Era Health Retrospective Observational Study


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Objectives: To examine differences in potentially traumatic events (PTEs), probable PTSD, and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) between lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) and heterosexual Vietnam Era veterans. Method: Data are from the 2016-2017 Vietnam Era Health Retrospective Observational study survey (n = 18,866; 45% response rate). PTEs were defined using the 10-item Brief Trauma Questionnaire and a dichotomous item about whether respondents witnessed sexual assault during military service. Current probable PTSD was measured with the Primary Care PTSD Screen, and mental and physical HRQoL was assessed with the SF-8 (TM). Multivariable regression analyses were first adjusted for sociodemographic and military-related characteristics, and then with PTEs as a count variable ranging from 0-11. Survey weights accounted for the complex sampling design and nonresponse. Results: Approximately 1.5% of veterans were LGB. Compared to heterosexual veterans, LGB veterans were more likely to report exposure to natural disasters, childhood physical abuse, adulthood physical assault, and sexual assault, and they were less likely to report combat exposure, witnessing someone being seriously injured or killed, or witnessing sexual assault while in the military. Compared to heterosexual veterans, LGB veterans had greater odds of current probable PTSD (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 1.50, 95% CI [1.04, 2.16]) and poorer mental HRQoL (B = -1.70, SE = .72, p = .018). PTEs attenuated sexual orientation differences in probable PTSD (aOR = 1.27, 95% CI [.82, 1.97]) and poorer mental HRQoL (B = -1.22, SE = .67, p = .067). Conclusions: Among Vietnam Era veterans, PTEs differ based on sexual orientation, and contribute to LGB veterans' greater prevalence of current probable PTSD and poorer mental HRQoL relative to heterosexual veterans. Clinical Impact Statement Vietnam Era veterans are currently the second largest cohort of living veterans. This study is the first to document sexual orientation differences in trauma experiences, probable posttraumatic stress disorder, and health-related quality of life from a nationally representative sample of Vietnam Era veterans. Significant differences in trauma experiences could inform how trauma is screened, treated, and managed for LGB and heterosexual veterans. Clinicians may find that premilitary traumas (e.g., childhood abuse) may be particularly prevalent for LGB veterans and potentially interact with military-related traumas. Accounting for traumas across the life span and beyond military experiences are crucial for PTSD treatment.
sexual orientation, veterans, adverse childhood experience, psychological trauma, health surveys
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