
Fostering High School Girls' Interest and Attainment in Computer Science

Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education(2021)

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ABSTRACTComputing education and careers are male dominated. Identifying strategies to reduce this gender gap would create a more diverse and inclusive workforce, and would respond to the growing importance of computing and technology in our society. This paper presents an intervention designed and conducted in a post-secondary polytechnic institution aimed at inspiring and motivating computer science education among high school girls. Grounded in theory and related research, this intervention was designed to address aspects recognized as having relevance to girls. Using the expectancy-value theory of motivation developed by Eccles as a theoretical foundation, this study explores the intervention's impact on participants' interest and attainment in computer science. Twenty five students (nineteen girls) from local high schools participated in this pre-questionnaire, intervention, post-questionnaire quasi-experimental study. Participants were mentored by post-secondary students (at least one mentor for each pair of participants) through activities including writing an algorithm, coding, exploring an AR/VR technology and practicing programming skills with an educational game. Analysis of resulting data revealed that girls who participated in this study experienced a high level of enjoyment, increased interest, perceived positive learning gains, and were inspired by their post-secondary mentors. Post-questionnaire responses indicated that girls improved their ability beliefs and reduced their stereotypical views.
high school girls,high school,computer,interest
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