Revisiting the design of LSM-tree Based OLTP storage engine with persistent memory

Hosted Content(2021)

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AbstractThe recent byte-addressable and large-capacity commercialized persistent memory (PM) is promising to drive database as a service (DBaaS) into unchartered territories. This paper investigates how to leverage PMs to revisit the conventional LSM-tree based OLTP storage engines designed for DRAM-SSD hierarchy for DBaaS instances. Specifically we (1) propose a light-weight PM allocator named Hal-loc customized for LSM-tree, (2) build a high-performance Semi-persistent Memtable utilizing the persistent in-memory writes of PM, (3) design a concurrent commit algorithm named Reorder Ring to aschieve log-free transaction processing for OLTP workloads and (4) present a Global Index as the new globally sorted persistent level with non-blocking in-memory compaction. The design of Reorder Ring and Semi-persistent Memtable achieves fast writes without synchronized logging overheads and achieves near instant recovery time. Moreover, the design of Semi-persistent Memtable and Global Index with in-memory compaction enables the byte-addressable persistent levels in PM, which significantly reduces the read and write amplification as well as the background compaction overheads. The overall evaluation shows that the performance of our proposal over PM-SSD hierarchy outperforms the baseline by up to 3.8x in YCSB benchmark and by 2x in TPC-C benchmark.
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