Contamination mapping in Bangladesh using a multivariate spatial Bayesian model for left-censored data

arXiv (Cornell University)(2021)

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Arsenic (As) and other toxic elements contamination of groundwater in Bangladesh poses a major threat to millions of people on a daily basis. Understanding complex relationships between arsenic and other elements can provide useful insights for mitigating arsenic poisoning in drinking water and requires multivariate modeling of the elements. However, environmental monitoring of such contaminants often involves a substantial proportion of left-censored observations falling below a minimum detection limit (MDL). This problem motivates us to propose a multivariate spatial Bayesian model for left-censored data for investigating the abundance of arsenic in Bangladesh groundwater and for creating spatial maps of the contaminants. Inference about the model parameters is drawn using an adaptive Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling. The computation time for the proposed model is of the same order as a multivariate Gaussian process model that does not impute the censored values. The proposed method is applied to the arsenic contamination dataset made available by the Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB). Spatial maps of arsenic, barium (Ba), and calcium (Ca) concentrations in groundwater are prepared using the posterior predictive means calculated on a fine lattice over Bangladesh. Our results indicate that Chittagong and Dhaka divisions suffer from excessive concentrations of arsenic and only the divisions of Rajshahi and Rangpur have safe drinking water based on recommendations by the World Health Organization (WHO).
bangladesh,bayesian model,data,left-censored
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