
Trauma Takeaways: Reception and Utilization of a Postsimulation Newsletter.

Katie J. Patel,Kristy Williamson, Laura LaMaina,Francesca Bullaro

Journal of trauma nursing(2021)

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BACKGROUND:Simulation is incorporated into medical education to reinforce practical skills. Instructor methodologies allow for reflective practice through debriefing; however, this is limited to real-time audiences. Few studies have described education via supplemental materials.OBJECTIVE:This educational initiative demonstrates the reception and use of a postsimulation newsletter for both participating and nonparticipating trauma team members.METHODS:After each case, the Trauma Takeaways newsletter was distributed to all trauma team members at our Level I pediatric trauma center. The newsletter included a brief case summary, objectives, and debrief highlights regarding communication, medical management, and practical logistics. A survey was conducted to assess its utility 6 months after its introduction.RESULTS:Of 69 interdisciplinary respondents, 46 reviewed the newsletter. The majority (69%) reported their trauma education is directly from simulation sessions. Thirty-nine percent of respondents found the newsletter most useful as a review when unable to attend, and 35% found it equally useful as compared with being an active participant. The majority of respondents found the newsletter either very helpful or extremely helpful.CONCLUSIONS:Medical simulation cases traditionally capture a select audience during educational debriefing sessions. However, because the majority of our respondents receive their trauma education from simulation sessions, the need for supplementation is paramount. Our team members found the Takeaways similarly useful both as a direct participant or as an indirect participant as a helpful reference for communication, management, and practical logistics in pediatric trauma care.
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