
Single-Cell Transcriptomes Identify Unique Endothelial Subpopulation (Fabp4+Tmem100-) With Lipid Metabolism Dysfunction In Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension


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Introduction: Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a disaster disease characterized by obliterative vascular remodeling and persistent increase of vascular resistance, leading to right heart failure and premature death. Understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms will help develop novel therapeutic approaches for PAH patients. Hypothesis: We hypothesis that endothelial plasticity or distinct cell populations are critical for obstructive vascular remodeling in the pathogenesis of PAH. Methods: Here we applied single-cell RNA sequencing (ScRNA-seq) to profile the pulmonary cells in a severe mouse model ( Egln1 Tie2Cre mice) of PAH. Human hPAEC from idiopathic PAH patients and healthy donors were used to measure FABP4 and FABP5 expression. siRNA mediated knockdown of FABP4 and FABP5 was performed to study cell proliferation and apoptosis. Mice with Fabp4 and Fabp5 deletion ( Fabp45 -/- ) and wild type (WT) mice were incubated with hypoxia (10% O 2 ) to induced PAH. Egln1 Tie2Cre mice were bred with Fabp45 -/- mice to generate Egln1 Tie2Cre / Fabp45 -/- mice. Results: We identified five distinct EC subpopulations in both WT and Egln1 Tie2Cre mice via scRNA-seq. Unexpectedly, the number of Cluster (EC2, 49.8%) was markedly increased in Egln1 Tie2Cre lung compared with WT lung (2.8%). EC2 cluster (mainly from Egln1 Tie2Cre lung) was characterized by little expression of Tmem100 , Cldn5 , Tspan7 , Calcrl and Foxf1 and high expression of Fabp4, Cdh13, Sparl1 and Fabp5 . Fatty acid-binding protein (FABP) 4 and FABP5 (FABP4-5) were highly induced in PAECs from IPAH patients. Knockdown of FABP4-5 reduced EC proliferation and starvation-induced Caspase 3/7 activity. Fabp45 -/- mice were protected from hypoxia-induced PAH compared to WT mice. Moreover, Egln1 Tie2Cre / Fabp45 -/- mice also exhibited a reduction of RVSP and RV hypertrophy compared to Egln1 Tie2Cre mice. Conclusions: ScRNA-seq analysis identifies a unique endothelial population (FABP4 + TMEM100 - ) highly enriched in the lung of severe PAH mice. Knockdown of FABP4-5 reduces EC proliferation starvation-induced injury. Genetic deletion of FABP4-5 protects from hypoxia and Egln1 deficiency-induced PAH in mice.
unique endothelial subpopulation,hypertension,lipid metabolism dysfunction,single-cell
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