
Evaluation of a Flexible Single Ice Microphysics and a Gaussian Probability-Density-Function Macrophysics Scheme in a Single Column Model


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Scale-aware parameterizations of subgrid scale physics are essentials for multiscale atmospheric modeling. A single-ice (SI) microphysics scheme and Gaussian probability-density-function (Gauss-PDF) macrophysics scheme were implemented in the single-column Global-to-Regional Integrated forecast System model (SGRIST) and they were tested using the Tropical Warm Pool-International Cloud Experiment (TWP-ICE) and the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Southern Great Plains Experiment in 1997 (ARM97). Their performance was evaluated against observations and other reference schemes. The new schemes simulated reasonable precipitation with proper fluctuations and peaks, ice, and liquid water contents, especially in lower levels below 650 hPa during the wet period in the TWP-ICE. The root mean square error (RMSE) of the simulated cloud fraction was below 200 hPa was 0.10/0.08 in the wet/dry period, which showed an obvious improvement when compared to that, i.e., 0.11/0.11 of original scheme. Accumulated ice water content below the melting level decreased by 21.57% in the SI. The well-matched average liquid water content displayed between the new scheme and observations, which was two times larger than those with the referencing scheme. In the ARM97 simulations, the SI scheme produced considerable ice water content, especially when convection was active. Low-level cloud fraction and precipitation extremes were improved using the Gauss-PDF scheme, which displayed the RMSE of cloud fraction of 0.02, being only half of the original schemes. The study indicates that the SI and Gauss-PDF schemes are promising approaches to simplify the microphysics process and improve the low-level cloud modeling.
microphysics,macrophysics,single-column model,probability density function,GRIST
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