
The 1845-46 and 1766-68 eruptions at Hekla volcano: new lava volume estimates, historical accounts and emplacement dynamics


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We use new remote sensing data, historical reports, petrology and estimates of viscosity based on geochemical data to illuminate the lava emplacement flow-lines and vent structure changes of the summit ridge of Hekla during the large eruptions of 1845-46 and 1766-68. Based on the planimetric method we estimate the bulk volumes of these eruptions close to 0.4 km(3) and 0.7 km(3), respectively. However; comparison with volume estimates from the well-recorded 1947-48 eruption, indicates that the planimetric method appears to underestimate the lava bulk volumes by 40-60%. Hence, the true bulk volumes are more likely 0.5-0.6 km3 and 1.0-1.2 km(3), respectively. Estimated melt viscosity averages for the 1766-68 eruption amount to 2.5 x 10(2) Pa s (pre-eruptive) and 2.5 x 10(3) Pa s (degassed), andfor the 1845-46 eruption 2.2 x 10(2) Pa s (pre-eruptive) and 1.9 x 10(3) Pa s (degassed). Pre-eruptive magmas are about one order of magnitude more fluid than degassed magmas. In the 1845-46 and 1947-48 eruptions, SiO2 decreased from 58-57 to 55-54 wt% agreeing with a conventional model that Hekla erupts from a large, layered magma chamber with the most evolved (silica-rich) magmas at the top. In contrast, the lava flows from 1766-68 reveal a more complicated SiO2 trend. The lava fields emplaced in 1766 to the south have SiO2 values 54.9-56.5%, while the Hringlandahraun lava flow that erupted from younger vents on the NE end of the Hekla ridge in March 1767 has higher SiO2 of 57.8%. This shows that the layered magma chamber model is not suitable for all lava-flows emplaced during Hekla eruptions.
hekla volcano,new lava volume estimates
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