
Magnetotransport Properties of Thin Ni49.7Fe17.4Co4.2Ga28.7 Films

Blinov M. I., Basque Foundation for Science,Prudnikov V. N.,Aseguinolaza I. R.,Barandiaran J. M.,Lahderanta E.,Khovailo V. V., Institute for Theoretical and Applied Electrodynamics, Russian Academy of Sciences

Journal of experimental and theoretical physics(2021)

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The magnetic and magnetotransport properties of thin Heusler alloy Ni 49.7 Fe 17.4 Co 4.2 Ga 28.7 films deposited onto MgO(100) substrates are studied over a wide temperature range, which includes a martensitic transition (MT). For this composition, the MT is not accompanied by a magnetic phase transition, since the martensitic and austenitic phases are ferromagnets with similar magnetizations. The electrical resistivity does not undergo sharp changes during the MT. The magnetoresistance is negative, decreases in magnitude with increasing temperature in the range 100–250 K corresponding to the MT, and then increases to –1%. The field dependences of the Hall effect resistivity have the shape that is characteristic of homogeneous ferromagnetic alloys. The coefficients of the normal and anomalous Hall effects are determined. The anomalous Hall effect coefficient is shown to be described by the relation R s = αρ + βρ 2 , where ρ is the electrical resistivity and the second term is lower than the first, which indicates an important role of the interference impurity–phonon scattering mechanism.
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