Association of temporomandibular disorder-related pain with severe headaches—a Bayesian view


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Objectives Association of temporomandibular disorders (TMD)-related pain with severe headaches (migraine and tension-type headaches [TTH]) was studied over a follow-up period of 11 years. Materials and methods The data used was from two nationally representative health surveys in Finland—the Health 2000 Survey (baseline) and the Health 2011 Survey (follow-up) (Bioresource Research Impact Factor [BRIF] 8901)—conducted by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL). The primary dataset of the current study included a subset of the population undergoing a clinical oral examination, including TMD examination, at baseline, and answering the questions related to severe headaches, both at baseline and at follow-up (n = 530). From the primary dataset, two datasets were created to study the onset of migraine (dataset 1) and TTH (dataset 2) separately. Dataset 1 included participants healthy of migraine, but not other headaches, at baseline (n = 345), and dataset 2 participants healthy of TTH and other headaches, except migraine, at baseline (n = 464). Bayesian logistic regression models with weakly informative priors were utilized to assess the association of muscle-related TMD pain (mTMD) at baseline and temporomandibular joint-related TMD pain (jTMD) at baseline with the presence of migraine and TTH at follow-up. Results Neither of the baseline TMD-related pain variables were associated with the presence of migraine at follow-up (posterior effect estimates-0.12, 95% credible interval [CI] -0.49–0.24, and 0.11, 95% CI -0.38–0.59, for mTMD and jTMD, respectively), whereas mTMD at baseline (posterior effect estimate 0.36, 95% CI 0.02–0.69), but not jTMD at baseline (posterior effect estimate -0.32, 95% CI -0.94–0.25), was associated with the presence of TTH at follow-up. Bayesian sensitivity analyses revealed that the estimates of the regression models were stable, demonstrating sufficient validity and consistency of the estimates. Conclusion These results indicate that diverse mechanisms may exist behind the associations of TMD-related painful conditions with different types of severe headaches. Clinical relevance TMD-related pain is a frequent comorbidity of severe primary headaches. Therapy of severe primary headaches may thus benefit significantly with the incorporation of a multi-disciplinary clinical team.
Temporomandibular disorders, Headache disorders, Pain, Bayesian logistic regression, Sensitivity analysis, Directed acyclic graphs
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