Proinflammatory Oscillations Over The Menstrual Cycle Drives Bystander Cd4 T Cell Recruitment And Shiv Susceptibility From Vaginal Challenge


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Background: The menstrual cycle influences HIV infection-risk in women, although the timing and underlying mechanism are unclear. Here we investigated the contribution of the menstrual cycle to HIV susceptibility through evaluating immune behavior with infection-risk over time.Methods: Blood and vaginal lavage samples were collected from 18 pig-tailed macaques to evaluate immune changes over reproductive cycles, and from 5 additional animals undergoing repeated vaginal exposures to simian HIV (SHIV). Peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) samples from healthy women (n = 10) were prospectively collected over the course of a menstrual cycle to profile T cell populations. Immune properties from PBMC and vaginal lavage samples were measured by flow cytometry. Plasma progesterone was measured by enzyme immunoassay. The oscillation frequency of progesterone concentration and CCR5 expression on CD4 T cells was calculated using the Lomb-Scargle periodogram. SHIV infection was monitored in plasma by RT-PCR. Immune measures were compared using generalized estimating equations (GEE).Findings: Macaques cycle-phases were associated with fluctuations in systemic immune properties and a type-1 inflammatory T cell response with corresponding CCR5+ memory CD4 T cell (HIV target cell) infiltration into the vaginal lumen at the late luteal phase. Power spectral analysis identified CCR5 oscillation frequencies synchronized with reproductive cycles. In a repetitive low-dose vaginal challenge model, productive SHIV163P3 infection only occurred during intervals of mounting type-1 T cell responses (n = 5/5). Finally, we identify similar type-1 inflammatory T cell responses over the menstrual cycle are occurring in healthy women.Interpretation: These data demonstrate that periodic shifts in the immune landscape under menstrual cycle regulation drives bystander CCR5+ CD4 T cell recruitment and HIV susceptibility in the female reproductive tract. Published by Elsevier B.V.
HIV risk-factors, Menstrual cycle, Macaque models, Female reproductive tract
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