
A Field-Based Study of the Magnitude of Risk Factors and Health Habits in Young Volunteers in the Community


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Objective A field study is more informative in terms of epidemiological data than a hospital-based study. Undiagnosed risk factors may be discovered in an asymptomatic group. This study aimed to estimate if the community was well informed about the risk factors for coronary artery disease and if that affected the prevalence and the anthropometric among those who participated in the study. Materials and methods A cross-sectional study was conducted, using a consecutive sampling technique. Individuals were interviewed in terms of the risk factors and clinical signs and symptoms. The anthropometric measurements were done on-site to identify asymptomatic risk factors. The survey was utilized to increase the awareness among the participants. Results In total, 193 individuals participated in this study. The mean age of the sample was 36.3 ± 12.4 years, with 53% male. Smoking was the most frequent risk factor (31.6%), followed by dyslipidemia (22.5%), hypertension (16.6%), and diabetes mellitus (14.5%). Almost half of the sample participated in sports for one to two hours per week (40%). Almost all consumed fast food at least once a week, and 16.6% consumed fast food more than four times a week. The average systolic blood pressure was 129.41 ± 22.5 mmHg and the average body mass index (BMI) 27.6 ± 7.2 kg/m2. Conclusion Dyslipidemia was the most prevalent risk factor. Hypertension and diabetes mellitus are on top of the risk factor pyramid in commonality. An early diagnosis is important to decrease the incidence of cardiovascular disease. The consumption of fast food and obesity are relatively high and require educational interventions and more available healthy food. Screening through social media and primary health care centers may avert a negative outcome.
cigarette smoking,kingdom of saudi arabia (ksa),dyslipidemia,diabetes mellitus,young people,community obesity,hypertension
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