
Creation of the Association of Pediatric Program Directors Faculty Development for Educators "nuts and Bolts" Teaching Aids.

Academic pediatrics(2021)

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Faculty development (FD) continues to be a great need and challenge for faculty engaged in graduate medical education (GME) and such educator development should ultimately benefit learners in GME programs. As a Task Force within the Association of Pediatric Program Directors (APPD) FD Learning Community, our Educator subcommittee utilized multiple needs assessments to develop a novel educator development program called the APPD FD for Educators Nuts and Bolts (Nuts & Bolts) consisting of 1 to 2 page FD teaching aids. This paper outlines the development of these teaching aids and can be used as a reference for developing future Nuts & Bolts teaching aids. The development was based on 1) a defining framework (Glassick's criteria), 2) a clear model for evaluation of the program (Logic model), and 3) development of an assessment tool to demonstrate effectiveness of the teaching aids in FD at the local level. These 3 components help establish the scholarly nature of the FD Nuts & Bolts program. Multiple lessons learned from development of this program are presented to inform others engaged in educator program development. Detailed proposals for use of FD Nuts & Bolts for faculty improvement and plans for generating additional teaching aids are presented.
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