Classical and machine learning methods for event reconstruction in NeuLAND

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment(2021)

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NeuLAND, the New Large Area Neutron Detector, is a key component to investigate the origin of matter in the universe with experimental nuclear physics. It is a core component of the Reactions with Relativistic Radioactive Beams setup at the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research, Germany. Neutrons emitted from these reactions create a wide range of patterns in NeuLAND. From these patterns, the number of neutrons (multiplicity) and their first interaction points must be reconstructed to determine the neutrons’ four-momenta. In this paper, we detail the challenges involved in this reconstruction and present a range of possible solutions. Scikit-Learn classification models and simple Keras-based neural networks were trained on a wide range of input-scaler combinations and compared to classical models. While the improvement in multiplicity reconstruction is limited due to the overlap between features, the machine learning methods achieve a significantly better first interaction point selection, which directly improves the resolution of physical quantities.
Neutron detection,Event reconstruction,Monte-Carlo simulations,Machine learning
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