η-LSTM: Co-Designing Highly-Efficient Large LSTM Training via Exploiting Memory-Saving and Architectural Design Opportunities

2021 ACM/IEEE 48th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA)(2021)

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Recently, the recurrent neural network, or its most popular type—the Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) network— has achieved great success in a broad spectrum of real-world application domains, such as autonomous driving, natural language processing, sentiment analysis, and epidemiology. Due to the complex features of the real-world tasks, current LSTM models become increasingly bigger and more complicated for enhancing the learning ability and prediction accuracy. However, through our in-depth characterization on the state-of-the-art general-purpose deep-learning accelerators, we observe that the LSTM training execution grows inefficient in terms of storage, performance, and energy consumption, under an increasing model size. With further algorithmic and architectural analysis, we identify the root cause for large LSTM training inefficiency: massive intermediate variables. To enable a highly-efficient LSTM training solution for the ever-growing model size, we exploit some unique memory-saving and performance improvement opportunities from the LSTM training procedure, and leverage them to propose the first cross-stack training solution, η-LSTM, for large LSTM models. η-LSTM comprises both software-level and hardware-level innovations that effectively lower the memory footprint upper-bound and excessive data movements during large LSTM training, while also drastically improving training performance and energy efficiency. Experimental results on six real-world large LSTM training benchmarks demonstrate that η-LSTM reduces the required memory footprint by an average of 57.5% (up to 75.8%) and brings down the data movements for weight matrices, activation data, and intermediate variables by 40.9%, 32.9%, and 80.0%, respectively. Furthermore, it outperforms the state-of-the-art GPU implementation for LSTM training by an average of 3.99× (up to 5.73×) on performance and 2.75× (up to 4.25) on energy. We hope this work can shed some light on how to design high logic utilization for future NPUs.
Machine Learning,Neural nets,Recurrent Neural Network,Accelerator
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