Free-fall landing and interval running have different effects on trabecular bone mass and microarchitecture, serum osteocalcin, biomechanical properties, SOST expression and on osteocyte- related characteristics


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The effects of treadmill interval training (IT) and free-fall exercise were evaluated on bone parameters including osteocyte related characteristics. Thirty-eight 4-month-old male Wistar rats were randomly divided into a control (C) group and exercise groups: IT, 10 free-fall impacts/day with a 10-s (FF10) or 20-s interval between drops (FF20), 5 days/week, for 9 weeks. We assessed bone mineral density (BMD); microarchitecture by lCT; mechanical strength by a 3-point bending test; density and occupancy of the osteocyte lacunae by toluidine blue staining; osteocalcin and NTx systemic levels by ELISA; and bone tissue Sost messenger RNA (mRNA) expression by RT-PCR. NTx levels were significantly lower in exercise groups as compared with the C group. In exercise groups the Sost mRNA expression was significantly lower than in C. Tb.N was significantly higher for IT and FF20 compared with the C group. Tb.Sp was significantly lower in FF10 compared with the C group. Both IT and FF20 were associated with higher tibial lacunar density as compared with FF10. compared with FF10, IT fatmass was lower, while tibial osteocyte lacunae occupancy and systemic osteocalcin level were higher. All exercise modes were efficient in reducing bone resorption. Both IT and free-fall impact with appropriate recovery periods, which may be beneficial for bone health and osteocyte-related characteristics. Novelty: Interval training is beneficial for bone mineral density. Exercises decreased both bone resorption and inhibition of bone formation (Sost mRNA). Longer interval recovery time favors osteocyte lacunae density.
animal model, bone mineral density, exercise, microarchitecture, osteocyte, sclerostin
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