
First Report of Dasheen Mosaic Virus Infecting Typhonium giganteum (Baifuzi) in Henan Province of China

Plant disease(2022)

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Typhonium giganteum Engl. (Baifuzi ) is a perennial plant of the family Araceae. In China, its root is commonly used as an antispasmodic for stroke and cancer treatment (Chi et al. 2010; Gao et al. 2014; Khalivulla et al. 2019). Yuzhou city in Henan Province is the main producing area of T. giganteum Engl., and in July 2020, a survey of viral disease infecting T. giganteum Engl. was conducted in the city. In the surveyed fields (n =5), over 60% of plants displayed varying levels of virus-like symptoms, including mosaic, chlorotic and leaf distortion (Supplementary Figure S1) . To identify possible viral pathogens associated with the disease symptoms afflicting T. giganteum Engl., one leaf each from 25 symptomatic plants was collected and analyzed by high-throughput sequencing (HTS) as well as PCR. For HTS analysis, total RNA was extracted from one pooled sample containing a portion of all abovementioned leaves using RNAprep Pure Plant Plus Kit (TIANGEN Biotech, Beijing, China). After removing ribosomal RNA with Ribo-off rRNA depletion kit (Vazyme Biotech, Nanjing, China), a sequencing library was generated using NEBNext Ultra RNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina (NEB, USA) and sequenced on an Illumina Novaseq6000 sequencing system at Berry Genomics Corporation (Beijing, China). A total of 6,899,143 high-quality clean reads were obtained after trimming and used for contig assembly. BLASTn and BLASTx analyses on the contigs (n = 128,400) showed that one contig (9,245 bp in length) exhibited a sequence identity of 84.0% with the reference sequence of dasheen mosaic virus (DsMV, NCBI reference seq. NC_003537, genus Potyvirus, family Potyviridae) , suggesting infection of the plants by DsMV. No other viral sequences were detected in the sample. To confirm these results, a near full-length genomic sequence of DsMV was obtained from one sample (sample no. 39) by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) of three overlapping fragments with the following primer pairs: DsMV-1F (5'-AAATTAAAACATCTCAACAAAACCTACA-3') /DsMV-4130R (5'-TTCATGGTCCTCGTGGAGTATA-3'), DsMV-3870F (5'-GAGGACGTGAGAATTCAAAGTCT-3')/DsMV-8250R (5'-GTCCAACCTTGCTTGATGCATGC-3'), DsMV-7690F (5'-GGAGCGACTCCTCTTCCAAAGTTGTG-3')/DsMV-10100R (5'-TGAACACCGTGCACGAAGCATCTC-3'). The PCR products were cloned into pMD19-T vector (TAKARA Biotech, Dalian, China) and sequenced. The near full-length genomic sequence of the isolate (DsMV-BF39) was 9,737 nt in length and deposited into GenBank under the accession no. MZ043618. BLASTn analysis of this sequence demonstrated that it shared an identity ranging from 78.6% (MG602234) to 85.6% (MG602227) with various DsMV isolates. To determine whether DsMV was closely associated with the symptoms observed in T. giganteum Engl., leaf tissues from 30 symptomatic plants and 22 asymptomatic plants were analyzed by RT-PCR using primer pairs DsMV-CPF (5'-TGTTCTGTGAACATGATGAAGTTG-3', sense) and DsMV-CPR (5'-GTAACTGTGGCCTGTTTACCAG-3', antisense) targeting a 916 bp fragment of the CP gene of DsMV. Amplicons with the expected size were detected from the 30 symptomatic plants but not from the 22 asymptomatic plants, suggesting a close association between DsMV infection and the observed symptoms. To our knowledge, this is the first report of DsMV infecting T. giganteum Engl.. Further study is needed to identify the specific symptoms induced by this virus in T. giganteum Engl. and to understand the biological characteristics, epidemiology, prevalence of this virus in China.
virus,DsMV,HTS,Typhonium giganteum Engl
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