
Radiation Toxicity in Patients With Collagen Vascular Disease: A Meta-Analysis of Case-Control Studies

International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics(2021)

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Purpose Several retrospective series have reported that patients with collagen vascular disease (CVD) are at increased risk of radiation (RT) toxicity. However, the evidence is mixed, and many series lack control groups. We performed a meta-analysis including only case-cohort or randomized studies that examined the risk of RT toxicity for patients with CVD compared with controls. Methods and Materials Meta-analysis of Observational Studies in Epidemiology guidelines were used to perform a comprehensive search identifying case-control or randomized studies reporting RT toxicity outcomes for patients with CVD versus controls. Data were synthesized from studies reporting grade 2 to 3 or more (G2/3 +) acute and late RT toxicities. Results were analyzed with fixed effects meta-analysis on the random-effects model for between-study heterogeneity; otherwise, the fixed-effects model was used. Hazard ratio or odds ratio (OR) were the effect-size estimators, as appropriate. Results Ten studies were included, with 4028 patients (CVD: 406, control: 3622). Patients with CVD had higher rates of acute G2/3 + toxicity (26.2% vs 16.5%, OR [odds ratio] 2.01; P < .001) and late G2/3 + toxicity (18.4% vs 10.1%, OR 2.37; P < .001). Higher rates of late G2/3 + toxicity were observed for CVD patients with systemic lupus erythematous (21% vs 9.7%; OR 2.55, P = .03), systemic scleroderma (31.8% vs 9.7%, OR 3.85; P = .03), rheumatoid arthritis (11.7% vs 8.4%, OR = 2.56; P = .008), and those irradiated to the pelvis/abdomen (32.2% vs 11.9%, OR 3.29; P = .001), breast (14.7% vs 4.4%, OR 3.51; P = .003), thorax (12.5% vs 8.7%, OR 3.46; P < .001), and skin (14.6% vs 5.2%, OR 2.59; P = .02). Late grade 5 toxicities were significantly higher for patients with CVD, although absolute rates were low (3.9% vs 0.6%, OR = 7.81; P = .01). Conclusions Moderate and severe toxicities are more likely in patients with CVD, with variable risk depending on toxicity grade, CVD subtype, treatment site, and dose. Severe toxicities are uncommon. These factors should be considered when informing patients of treatment-related risks and monitoring for morbid treatment sequelae.
radiation toxicity,collagen vascular disease,meta-analysis,case-control
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