Measures and Best Practices for Responsible AI

Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining(2021)

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ABSTRACTThe use of machine learning (ML) based systems has become ubiquitous including their usage in critical applications like medicine and assistive technologies. Therefore, it is important to determine the trustworthiness of these ML models and tasks. A key component in this determination is the development of task specific datasets, metrics, and best practices which are able to measure the various aspects of responsible model development and deployment including robustness, interpretability and fairness. Further, datasets are also key when training for a given task, be it coreference resolution in language modeling or facial recognition in computer vision. Imbalances and inadequate representation in datasets can have repercussions of an undesirable nature. Some common examples include how coreference resolution systems in NLU are often not all gender inclusive, discrepancies in the measurement of how robust and trustworthy machine predictions are in domains where the selective labels problem is prevalent, and discriminatory determination of pain or care levels of people belonging to different demographics in health science applications. Development of task specific datasets which do better in this regard is also extremely vital. In this workshop, we invite contributions towards different (i) datasets which help enhance task performance and inclusivity, (ii) measures and metrics which help in determining the trustworthiness of a model/dataset, (iii) assessment or remediation tools for fairer, more transparent, robust, and reliable models, and (iv) case studies describing responsible development and deployment of AI systems across fields such as healthcare, financial services, insurance, etc. The datasets, measures, mitigation techniques, and best practices could focus on different areas including (but not restricted to) the following: Fairness and Bias Robustness Reliability and Safety Interpretability Explainability Ethical AI Causal Inference Counterfactual Example Analysis They could also be focussed on the applications in diverse fields such as industry, finance, healthcare and beyond. Text based datasets can be in languages other than English as well.
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