
Changes in the Fecal Microbiota Associated with a Broad-Spectrum Antimicrobial Administration in Hospitalized Neonatal Foals with Probiotics Supplementation


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Simple Summary Post-antibiotic intestinal dysbiosis leads to an overall reduction in bacterial and functional diversity, along with a minor resistance against pathogens. The study aimed to determine the changes on the fecal microbiota in hospitalized neonatal foals administered with broad-spectrum antimicrobials and supplemented probiotics. Fecal samples were collected at hospital admission, at the end of the antimicrobial treatment and at discharge. Seven foals treated with intravenous ampicillin and aminoglycosides for a mean of seven days were included. The results suggest that the fecal microbiota of neonatal foals rapidly returns to a high diversity after treatment. While the findings need to be confirmed in a larger population, the study suggests that in foals, the effect of antimicrobials may be strongly influenced by the changes that occur over time in the developing gut microbiota. Of note, the findings are influenced by the use of probiotics, and whether the changes would be consistent in antimicrobial-administered but not supplemented foals remains to be elucidated. There is a wide array of evidence across species that exposure to antibiotics is associated with dysbiosis, and due to their widespread use, this also raises concerns also in medicine. The study aimed to determine the changes on the fecal microbiota in hospitalized neonatal foals administered with broad-spectrum antimicrobials and supplemented probiotics. Fecal samples were collected at hospital admission (Ta), at the end of the antimicrobial treatment (Te) and at discharge (Td). Feces were analysed by next-generation sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene on Illumina MiSeq. Seven foals treated with IV ampicillin and amikacin/gentamicin were included. The mean age at Ta was 19 h, the mean treatment length was 7 days and the mean time between Te and Td was 4.3 days. Seven phyla were identified: Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Fusobacteria, Proteobacteria, TM7 and Verrucomicrobia. At Ta, Firmicutes (48.19%) and Proteobacteria (31.56%) were dominant. The alpha diversity decreased from Ta to Te, but it was the highest at Td. The beta diversity was higher at Ta than at Te and higher at Td than at Te. An increase in Akkermansia over time was detected. The results suggest that the intestinal microbiota of neonatal foals rapidly returns to a high diversity after treatment. It is possible that in foals, the effect of antimicrobials is strongly influenced or overshadowed by the time-dependent changes in the developing gut microbiota.
fecal microbiota,antimicrobials,dysbiosis,foals
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