Effect of iterations and time of flight on normal distributions of 82Rb PET relative perfusion and myocardial blood flow

Journal of Nuclear Cardiology(2021)

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As clinical use of myocardial blood flow (MBF) increases, dynamic series are becoming part of the typical workflow. The methods and parameters used to reconstruct these series require investigation to ensure accurate quantification. Fifty-nine rest/stress dynamic 82Rb PET studies, acquired on a Biograph mCT, from a combination of normal volunteers and low-likelihood patients were reconstructed with and without time of flight (TOF) for varying iterations and processed to obtain relative perfusion and MBF polar maps. Regional values from mean polar maps were fit to a linear mixed-effect model to quantify convergence and select the optimal number of iterations. TOF reconstructions converged faster and yielded more uniform relative perfusion polar maps. However, the stress MBF distribution for TOF reconstructions was more heterogeneous, with a higher-intensity septal wall. This phenomenon requires further investigation, with right ventricle blood pool spillover possibly having an effect. Optimal reconstructions were defined as 5-iteration non-TOF (24-subset) reconstructions and 3-iteration TOF (21-subset) reconstructions. Optimal cardiac reconstructions were identified for non-TOF and TOF reconstructions of dynamic series. TOF reconstruction presents as the more accurate method, given the more uniform relative perfusion distribution.
PET, MPI, Myocardial blood flow, Image reconstruction
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