Identifying Non-Control Security-Critical Data through Program Dependence Learning


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As control-flow protection gets widely deployed, it is difficult for attackers to corrupt control-data and achieve control-flow hijacking. Instead, data-oriented attacks, which manipulate non-control data, have been demonstrated to be feasible and powerful. In data-oriented attacks, a fundamental step is to identify non-control, security-critical data. However, critical data identification processes are not scalable in previous works, because they mainly rely on tedious human efforts to identify critical data. To address this issue, we propose a novel approach that combines traditional program analysis with deep learning. At a higher level, by examining how analysts identify critical data, we first propose dynamic analysis algorithms to identify the program semantics (and features) that are correlated with the impact of a critical data. Then, motivated by the unique challenges in the critical data identification task, we formalize the distinguishing features and use customized program dependence graphs (PDG) to embed the features. Different from previous works using deep learning to learn basic program semantics, this paper adopts a special neural network architecture that can capture the long dependency paths (in the PDG), through which a critical variable propagates its impact. We have implemented a fully-automatic toolchain and conducted comprehensive evaluations. According to the evaluations, our model can achieve 90 FuzzBench. In addition, we demonstrate the harmfulness of the exploits using the identified critical variables by simulating 7 data-oriented attacks through GDB.
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