
Trypanosoma Cruzi Induces Regulatory B Cell Alterations in Patients with Chronic Chagas Disease


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The clinical evolution of patients with chronic Chagas disease (CCD) is mainly associated with an excessive inflammation and a defective immunomodulatory profile caused by the interaction between T. cruzi and the host. Regulatory B (Breg) cells exert immune suppression mostly through IL-10 production (B10 cells), but also through IL-10 independent mechanisms. Previously, we demonstrated that CCD patients with cardiomyopathy show changes in the ex vivo Breg cell phenotypic distribution although maintain IL-10 production capacity. Here, we sought to identify potential alterations on Breg cells upon in vitro stimulation. Isolated B cells from CCD patients with or without cardiomyopathy and non-infected (NI) donors were stimulated with T. cruzi lysate or CpG + CD40L, and characterized by flow cytometry based on the expression of CD24, CD27, CD38, and the regulatory molecules IL-10 and PD-L1. IL-10 and IL-17 secretion in the supernatant of B cells was evaluated by ELISA. Data showed that T. cruzi stimulation diminished the expression of CD24 and CD38 on CD27- B cells while reducing the percentage of CD24(high) inside CD27(+) B cells. Furthermore, T. cruzi induced a regulatory B cell phenotype by increasing B10 cells and IL-10 secretion in all the groups. The innate-like B10 cells expansion observed in patients with cardiomyopathy would be associated with CD27- B10 cell subsets, while no predominant phenotype was found in the other groups. Patients with cardiomyopathy also displayed higher IL-17 secretion levels in T. cruzi- activated B cells. CpG + CD40L stimulation revealed that B cells from CCD patients and NI donors had the same ability to differentiate into B10 cells and secrete IL-10 in vitro. Additionally, CCD patients showed an increased frequency of CD24(-)CD27(-) B cells and a reduction in the percentage of CD24(high)CD27(+) Breg cells, which appeared to be inversely correlated with the presence of T. cruzi DNA in blood. Finally, CCD patients exhibited a higher frequency of PD-L1(+) B cells in T. cruzi-stimulated samples, suggesting that IL-10-independent mechanisms could also be tangled in the control of inflammation. Altogether, our results provide evidence about the potential role of Breg cells in the immune response developed against T . cruzi and its contribution to chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy.
regulatory B cells,IL-10-producing B cells,chronic Chagas disease,human Trypanosoma cruzi infection,chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy,PD-L1
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