
Early Cretaceous Abietoid Pinaceae from Mongolia and the History of Seed Scale Shedding

American journal of botany(2021)

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PREMISE:Seed cones of extant Pinaceae exhibit two mechanisms of seed release. In "flexers" the cone scales remain attached to the central axis, while flexing and separating from each other to release the seeds. In "shedders" scales are shed from the axis, with the seeds either remaining attached to the scale or becoming detached. The early fossil history of Pinaceae from the Jurassic to Early Cretaceous is dominated by flexing seed cones, while the systematic information provided by shedding fossil cones has been overlooked and rarely integrated with data based on compression and permineralized specimens. We describe the earliest and best-documented evidence of a "shedder" seed cone from the Aptian-Albian of Mongolia.METHODS:Lignite samples from Tevshiin Govi locality were disaggregated in water, washed, and dried in air. Fossils were compared to material of extant Pinaceae using LM and CT scans.RESULTS:Lepidocasus mellonae gen. et sp. nov. is characterized by a seed cone that disarticulated at maturity and shed obovate bract-scale complexes that have a distinctive ribbed surface and an abaxial surface covered with abundant trichomes. The ovuliferous scale has ca. 30-40 resin canals, but only scarce xylem near the attachment to the cone axis. Resin vesicles are present in the seed integument. Phylogenetic analysis places Lepidocasus as sister to extant Cedrus within the abietoid grade.CONCLUSIONS:The exquisite preservation of the trichomes in L. mellonae raises questions about their potential ecological function in the cones of fossil and living Pinaceae. Lepidocasus mellonae also shows that a shedding dispersal syndrome, a feature that has often been overlooked, evolved early in the history of Pinaceae during the Early Cretaceous.
anatomy,Cedrus,cone scale,Cretaceous,Jurassic,Pityolepis,seed dispersal,trichomes
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