
Binary Polyp-Size Classification Based on Deep-Learned Spatial Information

International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery(2021)

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The size information of detected polyps is an essential factor for diagnosis in colon cancer screening. For example, adenomas and sessile serrated polyps that are $$\ge 10$$ mm are considered advanced, and shorter surveillance intervals are recommended for smaller polyps. However, sometimes the subjective estimations of endoscopists are incorrect and overestimate the sizes. To circumvent these difficulties, we developed a method for automatic binary polyp-size classification between two polyp sizes: from 1 to 9 mm and $$\ge 10$$ mm. We introduce a binary polyp-size classification method that estimates a polyp’s three-dimensional spatial information. This estimation is comprised of polyp localisation and depth estimation. The combination of location and depth information expresses a polyp’s three-dimensional shape. In experiments, we quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate the proposed method using 787 polyps of both protruded and flat types. The proposed method’s best classification accuracy outperformed the fine-tuned state-of-the-art image classification methods. Post-processing of sequential voting increased the classification accuracy and achieved classification accuracy of 0.81 and 0.88 for polyps ranging from 1 to 9 mm and others that are $$\ge 10$$ mm. Qualitative analysis revealed the importance of polyp localisation even in polyp-size classification. We developed a binary polyp-size classification method by utilising the estimated three-dimensional shape of a polyp. Experiments demonstrated accurate classification for both protruded- and flat-type polyps, even though the flat type have ambiguous boundary between a polyp and colon wall.
Colonoscopy,Polyp-size classification,Depth estimation,Polyp localisation,Computer-aided diagnosis,Deep learning
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