
Well-being and COVID-19-related worries of German children and adolescents: A longitudinal study from pre-COVID to the end of lockdown in Spring 2020.

JCPP advances(2021)

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BACKGROUND:There is concern that pandemic measures put a strain on the health and well-being of children. We investigated the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the lockdown, and social distancing on the well-being, media use, and emotions of children and adolescents between 9 and 18 years. METHODS:We used linear and proportional odds logistic regression correcting for age, sex, and socioeconomic status (SES) and to compare media use, peers/social support, physical, and psychological well-being between 2019 (pre-COVID baseline) and two time points shortly after the start of the lockdown (last week of March and April 2020, respectively) in 391 9-19-year-old healthy children and adolescents of the LIFE Child cohort. COVID-19-related feelings and their relationship to age, sex, and SES were assessed at two time points during lockdown. RESULTS:We found significantly lower scores in physical and psychological well-being during lockdown compared to baseline. The effect was significantly stronger in children with medium/low SES. Perceived social support scores were also significantly lower during the lockdown. The percentage of children who had no contact with their peers (in-person or online) increased from 3% pre-COVID to 14% and 13% in April and March 2020, respectively. About 80% of the children missed in-person contacts with friends. Most of the children worried more about the health of their families than their own. Sixty percent worried about the international situation at least moderately, whereas only 20% were afraid of COVID-19 itself. The percentage of children who believed it would never be as before COVID-19 rose from 7.4% at the beginning lockdown end of March to 16.2% a month later. In contrast, all other COVID-19-related worries, showed a (nonsignificant) decline during the same period. CONCLUSION:Our study supports the notion that pandemic measures have to be balanced against adverse public health effects. Especially vulnerable groups have to be protected.
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