
Identifying Over-the-counter Information to Prioritize for the Purpose of Reducing Adverse Drug Reactions in Older Adults: A National Survey of Pharmacists.

Journal of the American Pharmacists Association(2022)

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Background: Over-the-counter (OTC) medication use is associated with risks of adverse drug reactions (ADRs), particularly among older adults. The Drug Facts Label (DFL) is supposed to provide consumers with information that would avoid ADRs, yet research suggests that consumers frequently fail to interact with this critical information. We postulate that emphasizing critical information by placing it on the front of the package may increase its usage. Before doing so, the most critical information from the DFL needs to be identified. Objectives: This study aimed to determine which information from the DFL is most critical in reducing ADRs at the time of purchase or use by older adults. Methods: A national survey of practicing pharmacists knowledgeable about OTC medication use by older adults asked participants to rank order the importance of the DFL sections to reduce ADRs in older adults. Open-ended questions focused on identifying ways of improving OTC medication labeling. Quantitative rankings were used to calculate the content validity ratio and analyzed using Wilcoxon signed rank tests. Qualitative results were categorized into themes. Results: A total of 318 responses (12% response rate) were analyzed. There was high consensus that uses and purpose, active ingredient, warnings, and directions for use were the most important sections of the DFL. Within the warning section, 2 specific warnings, "Do not use" and "Ask a doctor or pharmacist," were deemed most important. Similarly, qualitative themes focused on seeking health care provider assistance or were specific to age-related precautions. Conclusions: Prioritizing warnings that highlight the importance of possible drug-drug and drug-disease precautions and the need to seek medical advice before taking OTC medications were deemed most critical. Moving this type of information to the front of the package may help reduce ADRs among older adults. (C) 2022 American Pharmacists Association (R). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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