
Outcome of Coxofemoral Luxation Treated with Closed Reduction in 51 Cats.

Marielle D. LeFloch,George S. Coronado

Journal of feline medicine and surgery(2021)

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Objectives The aim of this study was to describe the outcomes and determine the reluxation rate of cats undergoing closed coxofemoral joint reduction, and to investigate potential risk factors for reluxation of the affected coxofemoral joint. Methods Case information was obtained from electronic medical records from Ocean State Veterinary Specialists and Bay State Veterinary Emergency and Specialty Services between January 2008 and May 2020. Data obtained from 51 cats with coxofemoral joint luxations included patient signalment, direction of coxofemoral joint luxation, concurrent injuries, ease of reduction, time of injury to closed reduction, bandage application and outcome. Data were analyzed for association with outcomes. Results Closed reduction of coxofemoral joint luxation in cats had a 51% success rate. The only risk factor demonstrating a statistically significant benefit to the success of closed coxofemoral joint reduction was the application of a bandage (P = 0.02). Conclusions and relevance It may be worth attempting closed coxofemoral joint reduction in cats prior to recommending surgery. Placing a bandage (Ehmer or hobbles) after closed reduction may decrease the risk of the coxofemoral joint reluxating, but more studies are needed to evaluate this further. The outcome after closed reduction management for coxofemoral joint luxation in cats is similar to the previously reported success rate in dogs.
Hip luxation,coxofemoral luxation,closed reduction,hip reduction
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