[Sentinel lymph node biopsy in the management of early-stage ovarian cancer: A systematic review of the literature].

N-T Van, H-T Nguyen-Xuan,M Koual,E Bentivegna, A-S Bats,H Azaïs

Gynecologie, obstetrique, fertilite & senologie(2021)

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The initial management of early-stage ovarian cancer consists of staging surgery including pelvic and para-aortic lymphadenectomy. The use of the sentinel lymph node (SLN) procedure in this setting may decrease the morbidity associated with this surgery. The objective of this review was to evaluate the feasibility of the SLN procedure in ovarian cancer diagnosed at an early stage by comparing the different techniques used and their accuracy. A systematic literature search was performed on PubMed and ClinicalTrials.gov for articles in English or French about the SLN technique in ovarian cancer. Ten studies were included in the analysis, with a total of 179 patients. The main tracers used were Technetium-99m, indocyanine green, and patent blue, and the most common site of injection was the proper ovarian and unfundibulopelvic ligaments. The overall detection rate was 87.7%. Of the small number of cases of lymph node metastasis reported, the SLN procedure had a sensitivity of 90.9% and a negative predictive value of 98.8%. The sentinel node procedure appears to be feasible and safe and could be reliable in determining the lymph node status of patients with early-stage ovarian cancer.
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