
An analysis of gender disparities amongst United States medical students, general surgery residents, vascular surgery trainees, and the vascular surgery workforce

Journal of Vascular Surgery(2022)

引用 18|浏览17
Gender diversity in medicine continues to be a critical topic, and gender diversity within surgical fields remains an overarching challenge. In the following review, we objectively address the data available in terms of training slots for women in general and vascular surgery and within the vascular surgery workforce. Overall, women comprise 36% of active physicians in the 2019 Association of American Medical Colleges data. The number of women in surgical fields is lower representing 22% in general surgery, 9% in neurosurgery, 6% in orthopedic surgery, 17% in plastic surgery, 8% in thoracic surgery, and 15% in vascular surgery. Also notable is the lower academic ranks held by women in surgery. The proportion of women instructors in surgery in 2020 was 61%, assistant professors 30%, associate professors 23%, and full-time professors only 13.5%. There are multiple opportunities across the divisional/institutional/societal domains in which mentorship and sponsorship can promote gender equity and inclusion. Recruitment and retention of women and minorities into the vascular academic and private practices is essential to ensure best patient outcomes and quality of care for our patients. We hope that by shedding light on this topic, there will be greater awareness and improved strategies to address the disparities within institutions.
Gender disparities,Medical students,General surgery residents,Vascular surgery trainees,Vascular surgery workforce
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