
3D Origami Paper-Based Ratiometric Fluorescent Microfluidic Device for Visual Point-of-care Detection of Alkaline Phosphatase and Butyrylcholinesterase.

Biosensors & bioelectronics/Biosensors & bioelectronics (Online)(2022)

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On-site multiplex enzyme detection is crucial for diagnosis, therapeutics and prognostic. To date, it is still a daunting challenge to develop portable, low-cost, and efficient multi-enzyme detection methods. Herein, a novel sample-in-result-out platform integrating ratiometric fluorescent assays with 3D origami microfluidic paper-based device (mu PAD) was developed for simultaneous visual point-of-care testing (POCT) of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE). Cascade catalytic reaction with the same two fluorescent signal indicators was rationally designed to ratiometric fluorescent detection of ALP and BChE: substrate of ALP (pyrophosphate) and product of BChE (thiocholine) can strongly complex with Cu2+, Cu2+ oxidizes o-phenylenediamine to fluorescent 2,3-diaminophenazine (oxOPD) (emission, 565 nm), oxOPD quenches the fluorescence of carbon dots (CDs, emission at 445 nm) via inner filter effect, thus oxOPD/CDs values are relevant to ALP and BChE activities. Then 3D origami mu PAD composing of four layers and two parallel channels was fabricated and simply prepared by one-step plotting with black oil-based marker and specific metal molds. After simple folding and unfolding neighboring layers to sequentially initiate reactions of pre-loaded reagents, fluorescent images on the detection zone can be captured by smartphone and analyzed by red-green-blue software for quantitative analysis. Under optimal conditions, the proposed platform was successfully performed to detect ALP and BChE with activity difference at 3 orders of magnitude in human serum samples without any pretreatment procedures. Excellent selectivity, good precision, favorable linear range, and high accuracy were exhibited. Importantly, the platform opens a promising horizon for high-throughput POCT of multiplex biomarkers.
Origami paper-based microfluidic device,Point-of-care testing,Ratiometric fluorescent detection,Carbon dots,Alkaline phosphatase,Butyrylcholinesterase
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