Vitamin D in Gambian children with discordant tuberculosis (TB) infection status despite matched TB exposure: a case control study

European Journal of Pediatrics(2021)

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Using a matched case control design conducted at MRC Gambia in 2015, we measured vitamin D levels in pairs of asymptomatic children with discordant tuberculin skin test status despite the same sleeping proximity to the same adult TB index case. Median ages of groups (infected; 10.0 years, uninfected 8.8 years) were not significantly different ( p = 0.13). Mean vitamin D levels were 2.05 ng/mL (95% CI − 0.288 to 4.38) higher in 24 highly TB-exposed uninfected children compared with 24 matched highly TB-exposed infected children ( p = 0.08). The findings warrant further investigation in larger studies to understand the implications and significance. Conclusion : Vitamin D levels were higher in TB-uninfected children compared with TB-infected despite equal high exposure to a TB case. What is Known: • Paediatrics TB represents one of the leading causes of child death globally. • Current literature shows an inconsistent relationship between vitamin D deficiency and increased risk of TB disease however a large Phase 3 trial of vitamin D supplementation in (largely vitamin D deficient) Mongolian children did not find any association with TB infection rates. What is New: • This study adds to the literature in a vitamin D sufficient paediatric population whereby children with equal exposure to a household TB case with no evidence of TB infection have higher levels of vitamin D compared with matched children with TB infection.
Tuberculosis, Vitamin D, The Gambia, TB, Paediatric, Case control
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