
Statistics on the bioactive anthocyanin/proanthocyanin products in China online sales.

Food science & nutrition(2021)

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Due to their potential beneficial effects, anthocyanins and proanthocyanins have attracted great concern worldwide. Recently, anthocyanin/proanthocyanin-related health products have occupied a certain proportion of the market. However, there has not been a systematical assessment on collecting and analyzing the relevant information. In this study, information of anthocyanin/proanthocyanin-related health products on sale on the four major online shopping platforms in China has been collected from November 2020 to February 2021. A total of 144 valid samples from 91 brands were collected, among which blueberries and grape seeds are the main sources of anthocyanins and proanthocyanins, respectively. Besides, the average anthocyanins/proanthocyanins content in these products is 22.71%. Improving eyesight, anti-asthenopia and anti-oxidation are widely mentioned among the anthocyanin-related products, while more proanthocyanin-related products declare for anti-oxidation, whitening & spot lighting, and delay of skin aging & repairing skin damage effects. Among the products, 77.78% are capsules and tablets, and the average unit price of anthocyanins/proanthocyanins is $ 5.26/g. Data analysis shows that searching for high-quality raw materials, researching on the varieties and content of anthocyanins/proanthocyanins, focusing on the intake of specific population, and exploring better storage forms of anthocyanins/proanthocyanins may be important field in the future to promote the development of the anthocyanin/proanthocyanin-related health products.
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