
Quantifying Image Quality in Chest Computed Tomography Angiography: Evaluation of Different Contrast-to-noise Ratio Measurement Methods

Acta radiologica(2021)

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Background Contrast-to-noise ratio is used to objectively evaluate image quality in chest computed tomography angiography (CTA). Different authors define and measure contrast-to-noise ratio using different methods. Purpose To summarize and evaluate the different contrast-to-noise ratio calculation formulas in the current literature. Material and Methods A systematic review of the recent literature for studies using contrast-to-noise ratio was performed. Contrast-to-noise ratio measurement methods reported by the different authors were recorded and reproduced in three patients who underwent chest CTA in our department for exploring variations among the different measurement methods. Results The search resulted in 109 articles, of which 26 were included. The studies involved 69 different measurements and overall, three different formula patterns. In all three, aorta and pulmonary arteries comprised the objects of interest in the numerator. In the denominator, standard deviation of the attenuation of the object of interest itself or of another background were used to reflect image noise. Some authors averaged the ratio values at different levels to obtain global ratio values. Using the object of interest itself for image noise calculation in the denominator compared to the usage of another background caused the most prominent variances of contrast-to-noise ratio between the two different protocols used for the reproduction of the measurements. Conclusion We recommend using the standard deviation of the attenuation of a background indicator as image noise rather than the object of interest itself for more reliable and comparative values. Global contrast-to-noise ratios based on averaging the values of different measurement levels should be avoided.
Computed tomography angiography,thorax,radiographic image enhancement,contrast to noise ratio,image enhancement
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