
A New Model for the Coldwell Complex and Associated Dykes of the Midcontinent Rift, Canada

Journal of petrology(2021)

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Mafic intrusions on the NE shoulder of the Midcontinent Rift (Keweenawan LIP), including Cu-PGE mineralized gabbros within the Coldwell Complex (CC), and rift parallel or radial dykes outside the CC are correlated based on characteristic trace element patterns. In the Coldwell Complex, mafic rocks are subdivided into four groups: (1) early metabasalt; (2) Marathon Series; (3) Layered Series; (4) Geordie-Wolfcamp Series. The Marathon Series are correlated with the rift radial Abitibi dykes (1140 Ma), and the Geordie-Wolfcamp Series with the rift parallel Pukaskwa and Copper Island dykes. U-Pb ages determined for five gabbros from the Layered and Marathon Series are between 1107.7 and 1106.0 Ma. Radiogenic isotope ratios show near chondritic (CHUR) epsilon Nd-(1106 Ma) and Sr-87/(86)Sri values that range from -0.38 to +1.13 and 0.702537 to 0.703944, respectively. Distinctive geochemical properties of the Marathon Series and Abitibi dykes, such as Ba/La (14-37), Th/Nb (0.06-0.12), La/Sm (3.8-7.7), Sr/Nd (21-96) and Zr/Sm (9-19), are very different from those of the Geordie-Wolfcamp Series and a subset of Copper Island and Pukaskwa dykes with Ba/La (8.7-11), Th/Nb (0.12-0.13), La/Sm (6.7-7.9), Sr/Nd (5-7.8) and Zr/Sm (18-24). Each unit exhibits covariation between incompatible element ratios such as Zr/Sm and Nb/La or Gd/Yb, Sr/Nd and Ba/La, and Nb/Y and Zr/Y, which are consistent with mixing relationship between two or more mantle domains. These characteristics are unlike those of intrusions on the NW shoulder of the MCR, but resemble those of mafic rocks occurring in the East Kenya Rift. The results imply that an unusual and long-lived mantle source was present in the NE MCR for at least 34 Myr (spanning the 1140Ma Abitibi dykes and the 1106Ma Marathon series) and indicate potential for Cu-PGE mineralization in an area much larger than was previously recognized.
alkali basalt,Coldwell Complex,large igneous province,Sm-Nd,U-Pb ages
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