Targeted multiobjective Dijkstra algorithm


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We introduce the Targeted Multiobjective Dijkstra Algorithm (T-MDA), a label setting algorithm for the One-to-One Multiobjective Shortest Path (MOSP) Problem. It is based on the recently published Multiobjective Dijkstra Algorithm (MDA) and equips it with A*-like techniques. For any explored subpath, a label setting MOSP algorithm decides whether the subpath can be discarded or must be stored as part of the output. A major design choice is how to store subpaths from the moment they are first explored until the mentioned final decision can be made. The T-MDA combines the polynomially bounded size of the priority queue used in the MDA and a lazy management of paths that are not in the queue. The running time bounds from the MDA remain valid. In practice, the T-MDA outperforms known algorithms from the literature and the increased memory consumption is negligible. In this paper, we benchmark the T-MDA against an improved version of the state of the art NAMOAdr*$$ {\mathrm{NAMOA}}_{\mathrm{dr}}<^>{\ast } $$One-to-One MOSP algorithm from the literature on a standard testbed.
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