Attenuation values on virtual unenhanced images obtained with detector-based dual-energy computed tomography: observations on single- and split-bolus contrast protocols

Abdominal Radiology(2021)

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Purpose To compare virtual unenhanced (VUE) attenuation values and their agreement with true unenhanced (TUE) images in patients who underwent dual-layer detector-based dual-energy computed tomography (dlDECT) with single- vs. split-bolus contrast media protocol. Methods In this HIPAA-compliant, IRB-approved retrospective analysis, a total of 105 patients who underwent nephrographic phase (NP) dlDECT between 07/2018 and 11/2019 were included: 55 patients received single bolus and 50 patients split-bolus examinations. Both scan protocols comprised a TUE and 120-kVp NP acquisition from which VUE images were reconstructed. A radiologist performed ROI-based attenuation measurements of liver parenchyma, main portal vein, aorta, spleen, renal parenchyma, and pelvis on TUE and VUE images. Agreement between TUE and VUE images was determined and compared for both protocols and each anatomic region. Results VUE attenuation was significantly higher than TUE attenuation in both cohorts in the liver, portal vein, spleen, and renal parenchyma ( p < 0.05), while it was similar in the abdominal aorta in both cohorts ( p = 0.05, 0.7522, respectively). VUE attenuation was significantly higher than TUE attenuation in the renal pelvis of the split-bolus cohort ( p < 0.05). When comparing VUE images between single- and split-bolus protocols, the renal parenchyma yielded a significantly higher VUE attenuation in the single-bolus cohort (single bolus: 38.8 ± 3.3 HU vs. split bolus: 36.8 ± 3.6 HU; p < 0.05), whereas the split-bolus cohort revealed markedly higher VUE attenuation in the renal pelvis (single bolus: 2.3 ± 10.8 HU vs. split bolus: 92.3 ± 76.8; p < 0.05). Mean intra-patient differences between TUE and VUE images were comparable between single- and split-bolus cohorts ( p -range 0.09–0.35) except for the renal parenchyma and pelvis: in the first, the single-bolus cohort yielded a higher VUE attenuation, while in the second, attenuation was significantly higher in the split-bolus cohort ( p < 0.05). Conclusion VUE attenuation overestimated TUE attenuation and differed between split- and single-bolus protocols for the renal parenchyma and pelvis, while all other tissues showed comparable VUE attenuation. Graphic abstract
Dual-energy CT, Virtual unenhanced images, Single bolus, Split bolus, Renal mass, Hematuria
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