
Permeabilized Cryopreserved Human Hepatocytes as an Exogenous Metabolic System in a Novel Metabolism-Dependent Cytotoxicity Assay for the Evaluation of Metabolic Activation and Detoxification of Drugs Associated with Drug-Induced Liver Injuries: Results with Acetaminophen, Amiodarone, Cyclophosphamide, Ketoconazole, Nefazodone, and Troglitazone

Hong Wei,Albert P. Li


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We report here a novel in vitro experimental system, the metabolism-dependent cytotoxicity assay (MDCA), for the definition of the roles of hepatic drug metabolism in toxicity. MDCA employs permeabilized cofactor-supplemented cryopreserved human hepatocytes (MetMax Human Hepatocytes, MMHH), as an exogenous metabolic activating system, and human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK293) cells, a cell line devoid of drug-metabolizing enzyme activity, as target cells for the quantification of drug toxicity. The assay was performed in the presence and absence of cofactors for key drug metabolism pathways known to play key roles in drug toxicity: NADPH/NAD+ for phase 1 oxidation, uridine 5'-diphosphoglucuronic acid (UDPGA) for uridine 5'-diphospho-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) mediated glucuronidation, 3'-phosphoadenosine-5'-phosphosulfate (PAPS) for cytosolic sulfotransferase (SULT) mediated sulfation, and glutathione (GSH) for glutathione S-transferase (GST) mediated GSH conjugation. Six drugs with clinically significant hepatoxicity, resulting in liver failure or a need for liver transplantation: acetaminophen, amiodarone, cyclophosphamide, ketoconazole, nefazodone, and troglitazone were evaluated. All six drugs exhibited cytotoxicity enhancement by NADPH/NAD+, suggesting metabolic activation via phase 1 oxidation. Attenuation of cytotoxicity by UDPGA was observed for acetaminophen, ketoconazole, and troglitazone, by PAPS for acetaminophen, ketoconazole, and troglitazone, and by GSH for all six drugs. Our results suggest that MDCA can be applied toward the elucidation of metabolic activation and detoxification pathways, providing information that can be applied in drug development to guide structure optimization to reduce toxicity and to aid the assessment of metabolism-based risk factors for drug toxicity. GSH detoxification represents an endpoint for the identification of drugs forming cytotoxic reactive metabolites, a key property of drugs with idiosyncratic hepatotoxicity. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Application of the metabolism-dependent cytotoxicity assay (MDCA) for the elucidation of the roles of metabolic activation and detoxification pathways in drug toxicity may provide information to guide structure optimization in drug development to reduce hepatotoxic potential and to aid the assessment of metabolism-based risk factors. Glutathione (GSH) detoxification represents an endpoint for the identification of drugs forming cytotoxic reactive metabolites that may be applied toward the evaluation of idiosyncratic hepatotoxicity.
Cytochrome P450 (CYP),bioactivation,drug-induced hepatotoxicity,glucuronidation/UDP-glucuronyltransferases/UGT,glutathione conjugates/glutathione transferases/GST,hepatocytes,in vitro toxicity assays,liver injury/toxicity (DILI),reactive metabolites,sulfate conjugation/sulfotransferases/SULT
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