Interactive Training Program Improves Surgeon and Pathologist Comfort Level With Total Mesorectal Excision Grading for Rectal Cancer


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BACKGROUND: Total mesorectal excision for rectal cancer has been shown to decrease local recurrence and improve survival, and specimen grading is recommended as a best practice. However, specimen grading remains underutilized in the United States potentially because of the lack of surgeon and pathologist training in the technique. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to determine whether an interactive webinar improves physician comfort with mesorectal grading. DESIGN: To test the effect of the program, participants completed a survey before and after participating. SETTINGS: Twelve Michigan Surgical Quality Collaborative hospitals volunteered to participate in a Total Mesorectal Excision Project. PARTICIPANTS: Total mesorectal excision grading training program participants were surgeons, surgery residents, pathologists, and pathology assistants from 12 hospitals. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Comfort with grading total mesorectal excision specimens was our main outcome measure. Prewebinar surveys also measured familiarity, previous experience, and training in grade assignment, as well as interest in the training program. Postwebinar surveys measured webinar relevance and effectiveness as well as participant intention to use content in practice. RESULTS: A total of 34 participants completed the prewebinar survey and 28 participants completed the postwebinar survey. The postwebinar overall median comfort level with specimen grading of 3.64 was significantly higher than the prewebinar overall median comfort level of 2.94 (95% CI, 3.32-3.96 versus 95% CI 2.56-3.32; p = 0.007). When evaluated separately, both surgeons and pathologists reported significantly higher comfort levels with total mesorectal excision grading after the webinar. LIMITATIONS: Six participants did not complete the postwebinar survey. Surgery residents and pathology assistants were analyzed with practicing surgeons and pathologists. The pre- and postwebinar surveys were deidentified, so paired analysis was not possible CONCLUSIONS: Our total mesorectal excision grading training program improved the comfort level of both surgeons and pathologists with specimen grading. Survey results also demonstrate that providers are interested in receiving training in rectal cancer specimen grading.
Collaborative quality improvement, Educational webinar, Rectal cancer, Total mesorectal excision
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