
An Acetylation-Enhanced Interaction Between Transcription Factor Sox2 and the Steroid Receptor Coactivators Facilitates Sox2 Transcriptional Activity and Function.

Journal of biological chemistry/˜The œJournal of biological chemistry(2021)

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SRY-box 2 (Sox2) is a transcription factor with critical roles in maintaining embryonic stem (ES) cell and adult stem cell functions and in tumorigenesis. However, how Sox2 exerts its transcriptional function remains unclear. Here, we used an in vitro protein-protein interaction assay to discover transcriptional regulators for ES cell core transcription factors (Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and c-Myc) and identified members of the steroid receptor coactivators (SRCs) as Sox2-specific interacting proteins. The SRC family coactivators have broad roles in transcriptional regulation, but it is unknown whether they also serve as Sox2 coactivators. We demonstrated that these proteins facilitate Sox2 transcriptional activity and act synergistically with p300. Furthermore, we uncovered an acetylation-enhanced interaction between Sox2 and SRC-2/3, but not SRC-1, demonstrating it is Sox2 acetylation that promotes the interaction. We identified putative Sox2 acetylation sites required for acetylation-enhanced interaction between Sox2 and SRC-3 and demonstrated that acetylation on these sites contributes to Sox2 transcriptional activity and recruitment of SRC-3. We showed that activation domains 1 and 2 of SRC-3 both display a preferential binding to acetylated Sox2. Finally, functional analyses in mouse ES cells demonstrated that knockdown of SRC-2/3 but not SRC-1 in mouse ES cells significantly downregulates the transcriptional activities of various Sox2 target genes and impairs ES cell stemness. Taken together, we identify specific SRC family proteins as novel Sox2 coactivators and uncover the role of Sox2 acetylation in promoting coactivator recruitment and Sox2 transcriptional function.
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