Analytical Solution Of Epidemic Threshold For Coupled Information-Epidemic Dynamics On Multiplex Networks With Alterable Heterogeneity


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The phase transition of epidemic spreading model on networks is one of the most important concerns of physicists to theoretical epidemiology. In this paper, we present an analytical expression of epidemic threshold for interplay between epidemic spreading and human behavior on multiplex networks. The threshold formula proposed in this paper reveals the relation between the threshold on single-layer networks and that on multiplex networks, which means that the theoretical conclusions of single-layer networks can be used to improve the threshold accuracy of multiplex networks. To verify how well our formula works in different networks, we build a network model with constant total number of edges but gradually changing the heterogeneity of the network, from scale-free network to Erdos-Renyi random network. By use of theoretical analysis and computer simulations, we find that the heterogeneity of information layer behaves as a "double-edged sword" on the epidemic threshold: The strong heterogeneity can effectively improve the epidemic threshold (which means the disease outbreak requires a higher infection probability) when the awareness probability alpha is low, while the opposite effect takes place for high alpha. Meanwhile, the weak heterogeneity of the information layer is effective in suppressing the epidemic prevalence when the awareness probability is neither too high nor too low.
epidemic threshold,multiplex networks,information-epidemic
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