Heterotrimeric kinesin-2 motor subunit, KLP68D, localises Drosophila odour receptor coreceptor in the distal domain of the olfactory cilia


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Ciliary localisation of the odour receptor coreceptor (Orco) is essential for insect olfaction. Here, we show that in the Drosophila antenna Orco enters the bipartite cilia expressed on the olfactory sensory neurons in two discrete, one-hour intervals after the adult eclosion. Genetic analyses suggest that the heterotrimeric kinesin-2 is essential for Orco transfer from the base into the cilium. Using in vitro pulldown assay, we show that Orco binds to the C-terminal tail domain of KLP68D, the β-subunit of kinesin-2. Reduced Orco enrichment decreases electrophysiological response to odours and loss of olfactory behaviour. Finally, we show that kinesin-2 function is necessary to compact Orco to an approximately four-micron stretch at the distal portion of the ciliary outer-segment bearing singlet microtubule filaments. Altogether, these results highlight an independent, tissue-specific regulation of Orco entry at specific developmental stages and its localisation to a ciliary subdomain by kinesin-2. ![Figure][1] Author Summary Jana, Jain, Dutta et al., show that the odour receptor coreceptor only enters the cilia expressed on olfactory sensory neurons at specified developmental stages requiring heterotrimeric kinesin-2. The motor also helps to localise the coreceptor in a compact, environment-exposed domain at the ciliary outer-segment. Highlights: ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest. [1]: pending:yes
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