
MASiVar: Multisite, Multiscanner, and Multisubject Acquisitions for Studying Variability in Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Magnetic Resonance in Medicine(2021)

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Purpose Diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) allows investigators to identify structural, microstructural, and connectivitybased differences between subjects, but variability due to session and scanner biases is a challenge. Methods To investigate DWI variability, we present MASiVar, a multisite dataset consisting of 319 diffusion scans acquired at 3T from b = 1000 to 3000 s/mm2 across 14 healthy adults, 83 healthy children (5 to 8 years), three sites, and four scanners as a publicly available, preprocessed, and de-identified dataset. With the adult data, we demonstrate the capacity of MASiVar to simultaneously quantify the intrasession, intersession, interscanner, and intersubject variability of four common DWI processing approaches: (1) a tensor signal representation, (2) a multi-compartment neurite orientation dispersion and density model, (3) white matter bundle segmentation, and (4) structural connectomics. Respectively, we evaluate region-wise fractional anisotropy (FA), mean diffusivity, and principal eigenvector; region-wise cerebral spinal fluid volume fraction, intracellular volume fraction, and orientation dispersion index; bundle-wise shape, volume, FA, and length; and whole connectome correlation and maximized modularity, global efficiency, and characteristic path length. Results We plot the variability in these measures at each level and find that it consistently increases with intrasession to intersession to interscanner to intersubject effects across all processing approaches and that sometimes interscanner variability can approach intersubject variability. Conclusions This study demonstrates the potential of MASiVar to more globally investigate DWI variability across multiple levels and processing approaches simultaneously and suggests harmonization between scanners for multisite analyses should be considered prior to inference of group differences on subjects. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
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