Systematic identification of cis-interacting lncRNAs and their targets

Saumya Agrawal, Ivan V. Kulakovskiy,Jessica Severin,Masaru Koido,Tanvir Alam, Imad Abugessaisa, Andrey Buyan, Howard Y. Chang,Josee Dostie,Masayoshi Itoh, Juha Kere,Naoto Kondo, Yunjing Li, Vsevolod J. Makeev,Mickaël Mendez,Yasushi Okazaki,Jordan A. Ramilowski, Andrey I. Sigorskikh, Lisa J. Strug,Ken Yagi,Kayoko Yasuzawa, Chi Wai Yip,Chung Chau Hon,Michael M. Hoffman,Chikashi Terao, Takeya Kasukawa,Jay W. Shin,Piero Carninci,Michiel JL de Hoon

bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)(2022)

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The human genome is pervasively transcribed and produces a wide variety of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs), constituting the majority of transcripts across human cell types. Studying lncRNAs is challenging due to their low expression level, cell type-specific occurrence, poor sequence conservation between orthologs, and lack of information about RNA domains. LncRNAs direct the regulatory factors in the locations that are in cis to their transcription sites. We designed a model to predict if an lncRNA acts in cis based on its features and trained it using RNA-chromatin interaction data. The trained model is cell type-independent and does not require RNA-chromatin data. Combining RNA-chromatin and Hi-C data, we showed that lncRNA-chromatin binding sites are determined by chromosome conformation. For each lncRNA, the spatially proximal genes were identified as their potential targets by combining Hi-C and Cap Analysis Gene Expression (CAGE) data in 18 human cell types. RNA-protein and RNA-chromatin interaction data suggested that lncRNAs act as scaffolds to recruit regulatory proteins to target promoters and enhancers. We provide the data through an interactive visualization web portal at [\_3D\_lncRNA][1]. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest. [1]:
lncrnas,systematic identification,cis-interacting
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