Skeletal maturity predicts cognitive abilities in human adolescents


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Adolescent human development is not only shaped by the mere passing of time and accumulating experience, but it also depends on pubertal timing and the cascade of maturational processes orchestrated by gonadal hormones. Although individual variability in puberty onset confounds adolescent studies, it has not been efficiently controlled for. Here we introduce ultrasonic bone age assessment to estimate biological maturity and disentangle the independent effects of chronological and biological age on adolescent cognitive abilities. Comparing cognitive performance of participants with different skeletal maturity we uncover the striking impact of biological age on both IQ and specific abilities. We find that biological age has a selective effect on abilities: more mature individuals within the same age group have higher working memory capacity and processing speed, while those with higher chronological age have better verbal abilities, independently of their maturity. Bone age appears to be a surprisingly strong predictor of cognitive abilities, and it seems that a teen’s IQ is determined by biological age. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
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