The diversification of Pterocarpus (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae) was influenced by biome-switching and infrequent long-distance dispersal


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Aim Phenotypes which evolved for dispersal over ecological timescales may lead to significant macroevolutionary consequences, such as infrequent long-distance dispersal and diversification in novel biomes. We aimed to reconstruct the phylogenetic history of Pterocarpus (Leguminosae/ Fabaceae) to assess whether seed dispersal phenotypes and biome switching explain the current biogeographical patterns of this group. Location Pantropical Taxon The Pterocarpus clade, particularly Pterocarpus (Leguminosae/Fabaceae) Methods We sequenced ~300 nuclear loci captured using Angiosperms -353, a genomic ‘bait set’ for flowering plants, from which we generated a time-calibrated phylogenomic tree. To corroborate this, we also generated a time-calibrated phylogenetic tree from data-mined Sanger-sequencing data. We then collated distribution data and fruit dispersal morphology traits to compare trait-dependent and trait-independent biogeographical models, allowing us to assess whether dispersal traits influenced the spatio-temporal evolution of Pterocarpus . Finally, using the results of these model tests, we estimated the ancestral ranges and biomes of Pterocarpus species to better understand their biogeographical history, and assessed the degree and direction of biome switching over the course of Pterocarpus ’ diversification history. Results We recovered well-supported phylogenetic relationships within Pterocarpus , within which there were two subclades – one Neotropical and the other Palaeotropical. Our divergence date estimates suggested that Pterocarpus largely diversified from around 12 Ma, during the Miocene. Trait-dependent biogeographical models were rejected for both range and biome evolution within Pterocarpus , but models parameterising dispersal were supported. Pterocarpus ’ ancestral node shared a range across the new-world and old-world tropics, followed by divergence into two clades, one palaeotropical and one neotropical. Biome switching occurred most frequently into rainforest and grassland. Main conclusions Overall, our analyses suggest that Pterocarpus underwent infrequent cross-continental dispersal and establishment into novel biomes. While this was minimally impacted by fruit dispersal syndromes, biome switching precipitated by long-distance dispersal and environmental change have played an important role in diversification within Pterocarpus since the Miocene. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
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