Role of the G-Protein Coupled Receptor 3-Salt Inducible Kinase 2 Pathway in Human β Cell Proliferation


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Loss of pancreatic β cells is the hallmark of type 1 diabetes (T1D) [1][1], for which provision of insulin is the standard of care. While regenerative and stem cell therapies hold the promise of generating single-source or host-matched tissue to obviate immune-mediated complications[2][2]–[4][3], these will still require surgical intervention and immunosuppression. Thus, methods that harness the innate capacity of β-cells to proliferate to increase β cell mass in vivo are considered vital for future T1D treatment[5][4], [6][5]. However, early in life β cells enter what appears to be a permanent state of quiescence [7][6]–[10][7], directed by an evolutionarily selected genetic program that establishes a β cell mass setpoint to guard against development of fatal endocrine tumours. Here we report the development of a high-throughput RNAi screening approach to identify upstream pathways that regulate adult human β cell quiescence and demonstrate in a screen of the GPCRome that silencing G-protein coupled receptor 3 (GPR3) leads to human pancreatic β cell proliferation. Loss of GPR3 leads to activation of Salt Inducible Kinase 2 (SIK2), which is necessary and sufficient to drive cell cycle entry, increase β cell mass, and enhance insulin secretion in mice. Taken together, targeting the GPR3-SIK2 pathway represents a novel avenue to stimulate the regeneration of β cells. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest. [1]: #ref-1 [2]: #ref-2 [3]: #ref-4 [4]: #ref-5 [5]: #ref-6 [6]: #ref-7 [7]: #ref-10
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