A community-driven roadmap to advance research on translated open reading frames detected by Ribo-seq


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Ribosome profiling (Ribo-seq) has catalyzed a paradigm shift in our understanding of the translational ‘vocabulary’ of the human genome, discovering thousands of translated open reading frames (ORFs) within long non-coding RNAs and presumed untranslated regions of protein-coding genes. However, reference gene annotation projects have been circumspect in their incorporation of these ORFs due to uncertainties about their experimental reproducibility and physiological roles. Yet, it is indisputable that certain Ribo-seq ORFs make stable proteins, others mediate gene regulation, and many have medical implications. Ultimately, the absence of standardized ORF annotation has created a circular problem: while Ribo-seq ORFs remain unannotated by reference biological databases, this lack of characterisation will thwart research efforts examining their roles. Here, we outline the initial stages of a community-led effort supported by GENCODE / Ensembl, HGNC and UniProt to produce a consolidated catalog of human Ribo-seq ORFs. ### Competing Interest Statement PVB is a co-founder of RiboMaps Ltd that provides Ribo-seq analysis as a commercial service and this includes identification of translated ORFs. ARC is a member of the scientific advisory board for Flagship Labs 69, Inc. PF is a member of the scientific advisory boards of Fabric Genomics, Inc., and Eagle Genomics, Ltd.
open reading frames,community-driven,ribo-seq
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