Complete loss of mitochondrial complex I genes in mistletoes (Viscaceae) and evidence of polyadenylated mitochondrial transcripts shown by whole transcriptome sequencing


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The profound absence of mitochondrial complex I (NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase) genes from the mitogenome of Viscum spp. and the rapid rates of molecular evolution characterizing most of their remaining mitochondrial genes raise questions regarding the possible transfer of the entire nad gene set to the nucleus, as well as for the functionality of the remaining highly divergent genes. Using whole transcriptome sequencing in three species of Viscaceae: V. album , V. crassulae , and Phoradendron leucarpum we were able to confirm transcription of all previously identified genes. However, we did not detect any nad gene transcripts, thus, providing further evidence of the complete loss of complex I in Viscaceae. The results from transcriptome sequencing also revealed that levels and patterns of RNA editing were not different from those found in autotrophic plant species. Hence, RNA editing is not a means of restoring conserved domains or folding sites of the proteins coded for by the divergent mitochondrial genes. Since we were able to recover mitochondrial genes transcripts following a sequencing protocol targeted towards polyadenylated mRNA molecules, it is suggested that mitochondrial genes undergo post-transcriptional polyadenylation in Viscaceae. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
mitochondrial transcripts,mitochondrial complex,mistletoes,viscaceae,whole transcriptome
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